The McShawns Project, Irish Mural(s)

I am currently painting and working on a Mural(s) project at an Irish Pub In Cranston RI..(McShawns 1336 Cranston St. RI) w/ the owner wanting to Transform the place via, Irish landscape Murals...:) A Big Thank you top my lovely assistant Megg Hutchinson.

Hallway install

Day 1: Interior Install
Interior Installation Aerosol/ Acrylic..
Day 2:
Live at McShawns Pub On 3/17/12. St Patricks Day!...Many Came out for Drinks, Food,( Great corned beef)  Art, Entertainment and of course free Shenanigans! The McShawns project, Involves 3 Large scale Murals,  The Interior alcove that was prefabbed, The 8 x 12 that Painted live, and the Large wall 11 x 32'...comming soon..

Drawing (purple)...Work top to bottom

Fields o plenty

Taking a short break..

The scene: 6 Hrs..more details to come.
Day 3/4: Interior painting, hallway Install.

Sketch of Day 4's work

Megg Flowers


 Interior Mural


  1. amazing!!! great job.....ur an awesome artist!!! kickass!!!!


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